How to Copy Paste article on the Internet Most True | batang asai

How to Copy Paste article on the Internet Most True

Written By Unknown on Saturday, 24 May 2014 | 11:26

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Are you diligently copy and paste the article on the internet ? If yes , then you must know how mengcopas most good article .

But I do not suggest you copy other people's work last article pasted on your blog without permission . Although 99.9 % of bloggers on the face of the earth never mengcopas article , either alone or only partially full article , either include the source or not , just copy and paste . Hayooo admit ... !

But these are the tips to copy the article that you just translate with google translate . For example , you are a blogger who can not speak English like me , but you want to post articles in English .

So , like it or not you have to use the help of google translate . Whether the result is a mess or not , the important thing the article has been changed to English.

After the article was turned into English, then you must not be mempastekannya to your blog . Because the script is not visible on google translate will be carried to your blog . So the new entry in the HTML will be often found scrip - owned script google translate risky barrier block search engines from indexing your blog .

Well , , , so that the article does not contain a script from the outside , then you must paste a first into Notepad . You know all right , what is notepad ? If you do not know please been looking at the start menu >> all programs on your computer . Notepad picture as below :

Once you paste in notepad , and then copied again arrtikel such a manner please click Edit , then click Select All. You can also click CTRL + A on your computer keyboard , or manually copied just like you mengcopas usual :)

After all of the copied article in notepad , and then paste it to a new entry in your blog . Then please publish . With the above , then there will be no scripts from outside the passenger sleeping in your post .

Thus , may be useful . Do not forget to read also Is Copy Paste Articles Can Be In Banned By Google Adsense ? .

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Blog, Updated at: 11:26

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